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How to Improve Productivity at Work?

Whether you spend your days at work, school or at home, being more productive is a plus. It means that you can use your time well so you can work smart and beat the deadlines you have set without having to rush through things. For students, improving productivity means that they can be well prepared for their exams and focus better. The result is that you will be ahead of your peers every time.

Those in the workforce often find that they have limited time. In order to meet the deadlines set by the organization they work for and avoid overtime work, they need to manage their time properly. With this skill, they will become more productive and the quality of work they produce will be top notch. For those at home, they will find that they are able to get more done during the day before the kids come home from school and they are unable to concentrate. Here are some helpful tips to improve productivity:

  • Unless it is completely unavoidable, try not to put off tasks until later. Most people tend to feel lazy when they should be working and then procrastinate on their tasks. This habit can lead to a lot of stress because something urgent may arise at that later date which will put them in time constraints. As a result, the work they produce will be sloppy to say the least. Cultivate the habit of carrying out your tasks as they come up to improve productivity.
  • Distraction from your duties is one of the main culprits when it comes to limiting productivity.  In increasing your productivity, it is imperative that you do away with distractions. Stay away from social networking sites during work hours and make sure that your personal phone is off when you are working. Without these time wasting distractions, you will find that you complete your tasks with time to spare. If you are working from home, turning off the TV is a great idea.
  • Prioritizing your tasks will also improve productivity considerably. Look closely at the activities you have planned for the day and prioritize based on importance and urgency. Once that has been done, start with the task at the top of the list. This is a great way to ensure that you are not working on less urgent tasks and ignoring those that are most urgent.  You will avoid that last minute rush.
  • Make sure that you create a work plan every morning. Put together a to-do list complete with time allocations for each task. The main benefit of this exercise is that it allows you to pay keen attention to the boundaries you have set for yourself so that you avoid both distraction and procrastination. It gives you the added benefit of accomplishing all your goals for the day and you also become accustomed to setting deadlines and working within those deadlines. Review these tips from time to time and you will find that you will improve productivity quite quickly.
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